Justin Is or WIll be Your NErd GOd For this.


CAuse he has runic and elvish translations. Confused still?

Ya know the kind they use in Lord of The Rings. Wow it suddenly got brighter in here.

Anyhow there are different types. Different people's use different ones, duh.

They also vary from time periods, dur. whatever figure it out yourselves.

And here they are:

Angerthas Daeron

Angerthas Moria

Angerthas Erebor

Tengwar Charts for Sindarin, and more

SO i got bored. NOw you can download these texts on your computer and to your other nerd friends with them!

Runic Font

Tengwar Font

these are others im too lazy to name them




Yes yes i know. I'm your god. And if not i should, I should crush for your blasphemy, but i won't. Ya i know im getting to into this. Well, Denise tells me to use a life boat whenever i'm drowning of boredom and this is it.

for more or the actual source of it all go here

DAn SMith's Tengwar Crap This isn't really the title but it realy doesn't provide one itself so yeah






















































































































All this was made by dan smith.